Flazol Plus

Each 5 mL contains : Metronidazole Benzoate B.P. equivalent to Metronidazole 100 mg.
Diloxanide Furoate B.P. 125 mg.
Each tablet contains : Metronidazole B.P. 250 mg.
Diloxanide Furoate B.P. 250 mg.
Flazol Plus is a combination of two drugs with complementary actions: Diloxanide Furoate, a luminal amoebicide
and Metronidazole, a potent tissue amoebicide. Diloxanide Furoate and Metronidazole have synergistic activity.
The combination results in rapid eradication of the parasite and fast clinical cure. Flazol Plus is well tolerated
and provides a comprehensive treatment of both intestinal and extra - intestinal amoebiasis. It is also suitable for
eradication of the parasites in amoeba and giardia cyst passers.
Flazol Plus is indicated for the treatment of :
• Acute amoebic dysentery.
• Chronic intestinal amoebiasis and other systemic infections where Entamoeba histolytica is the causal agent.
• Giardiasis.
• Eradications of amoeba and giardia cyst forms in cyst passers.
Adults : 2 tablets three times daily for 5 - 10 days.
Children : Under 5 years 5ml three times daily for 5 - 10 days.
5 - 12 years 10 ml three times daily for 5 - 10 days.
- Hypersensitivity to imidazole derivatives.
- First trimester of pregnancy.
- Administer with caution to patients with CNS disease.
- Administer with caution and reduce the dose in patients with severe liver function impairment.
- In severe kidney impairment 50% of the dose can be given at the usual dosing interval.
Use in pregnancy and lactation
- It is contra-indicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and its use thereafter should be restricted to patients who
showed no benefit from other alternatives.
- Unnecessary exposure of the neonate to the drug should be avoided otherwise breast feeding should be stopped.
Nausea, headache, vomiting, constipation, metallic taste, reversible neutropenia, hypersensitivity reactions in the
form of urticaria, erythematous rashes and fever.
- Suspension : Store below 25°C , protect from light.
- Tablets : Store below 30°C in a dry place , protect from light.
Flazol Plus Tablets : Pack of 30 tablets and hospital packs of different sizes.
Flazol Plus Suspension : Bottle of 100ml.