Shiba Pharma
Shiba Pharma company produces and develops pharmaceuticals for human use in various forms and medical uses with The latest and best scientific methods used to ensure its quality and competitive prices.
The company launched its first production of medicines that conform to the latest international standards which established in the pharmacopoeias in the year 1997 AD. The company produces more than 290+ products in various pharmaceutical forms (Syrups, Suspensions, Tablets, Capsules ...etc.). Shiba Pharma obtained the GMP certificate from the World Health Organization in 1999, it is the first Yemeni pharmaceutical company to obtain this certificate. The company obtained the international quality certificate ISO 9001 on 7/1/2001 and it is the first Yemeni pharmaceutical company to obtain this certificate.
- The first Company to obtain WHO-GMP Certificates 2000
- The first Company to obtain ISO9001 Certificate 2000
- The company first obtained ISO Certificate 9001-2004
- Then ISO Certificate 9001-2008
- WHO accredited supplier for the years 2004/2005 and 2006/2007

Covering the local and neighboring markets with their needs of essential medicines and medicines for endemic and epidemic diseases.
Trust and commitment
Continuing to maintain the confidence and satisfaction of customers and the commitment to constantly set and review quality goals
Increasing the company's competitiveness to compete with imported products
by maintaining and continuing to train and qualify employees