
Each capsule contains : Clindamycin Hydrochloride USP equivalent to Clindamycin 150 mg.
Clinacin (Clindamycin Hydrochloride) is a semi-synthetic lincosamide antibiotic with a primarily bacteriostatic action against
Gram-positive aerobes and a wide range of anaerobic bacteria. High concentrations slowly bactericidal against sensitive strains.
It acts by inhibiting protein synthesis in the micro-organism through binding to the 50S ribosomal subunit. Clindamycin is active
against most aerobic Gram-positive bacteria including Streptococci & Staphylococci. Clindamycin has a good activity against a
wide range of Gram positive and Gram negative anaerobic bacteria including Eubacterium, Propionibacterium , Peptococcus and
Peptostreptococcus spp., many strains of Clostridium perifringens and Cl. tetani, Fusobacterium spp. Veilonella and Bacteroides
spp. including the B. fragilis group. Several Actinomyces spp. and Nocardia asteroides are reported to be susceptible.
Synergistic activity has been reported between Clindamycin and Metronidazole, Ceftazidime and Ciprofloxacin.
About 90 % of a dose of Clindamycin hydrochloride is absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract ; concentrations of 2 - 3 µg / ml
occur within one hour after the administration of 150 mg dose of Clindamycin. Absorption is not significantly affected by food
in the stomach. Clindamycin is widely distributed into body tissues and fluids including bones , with the exception of the CSF.
Over 90 % of the Clindamycin is bound to plasma proteins. The half life is reported to be 2 - 3 hours. Clindamycin is
metabolized in the liver into active and some inactive metabolites. It diffuses across the placenta into the fetal circulation and has
been reported to appear in breast milk. About 10 % of the dose is excreted as active drug or metabolites in urine and 4 % in the
faeces. The remaining is excreted as inactive metabolites.
Clinacin is indicated in the treatment of a wide range of infections caused by susceptible organisms particularly anaerobic
Bacteroides fragilis infections, some staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. This includes upper and lower respiratory tract
infections, streptococcal pharyngitis, pneumonia.It is also used in the treatment of liver abscess, actinomycosis, staphylococcal
bones and joints infections, the carrier state of diphtheria, gas gangrene, various gynecological infections including bacterial
vaginosis , endometritis, and pelvic inflammatory disease, necrotizing fascitis, peritonitis , septicemia, skin infections and
prophylaxis against endocarditis, surgical wound infection and perineal infections.
Clinacin capsules should be taken with a glass of water.
- The usual daily dose of Clindamycin ranges from 150 - 300 mg every 6 hours.
In severe infections the dose may be increased to 450 mg every 6 hours.
- For prophylaxis against endocarditis in patients undergoing dental operation e.g. dental extraction with or without local
anaesthesia and in whom penicillin can not be used, a dose of 600 mg of Clindamycin is suggested one hour before the
Hypersensitivity to lincosamide group of antibiotics.
- Caution should be taken in atopic patients.
- Dosage adjustment is necessary in patients with very severe renal or hepatic impairment.
- Caution should be taken in patients with a history of gastrointestinal disease particularly colitis. The drug should be
immediately withdrawn if antibiotic associated diarrhea or Pseudomembranous colitis occurs.
- Periodic liver and kidney function tests are advisable with prolonged usage.
- Overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms particularly yeast may occur .
Use in Pregnancy and lactation
The safety of use of Clindamycin in pregnancy has not been established. It is secreted in breast milk and should be avoided in
nursing women.
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersensitivity reactions in the form of pruritis, skin rash, erythema multiforme
have been reported. Transient changes in the liver enzymes. Transient neutropenia, and eosinophilia.
Store between 15 - 30ºC in a dry place .
Clinacin capsules : Packs of 16 capsules and hospital packs of different sizes.